Inventing The University by, David Bartholomae
In "Inventing The University", by David Bartholomae it talks about going beyond the "average writer" and becoming more meaningful writers. Students "invent" the university by gaining some understanding and knowledge needed in universities or particular areas of study. A quote in particular that Bartholomae uses to validate this point is that as basic writers "it's hard for us to take on the role-the voice, the person-of an authority whose authority is rooted in scholarship, analysis, or research (page 513, Inventing the University, Bartholomae The importance of this quote means that first you are always evolving into better writers taking on the discourse of your particular area of study. Basic writers never go beyond simple language and jargon when the "setting" deems a particular discourse necessary.
A critical term is that a "writer has to "build bridges" between his p.o.v. and his readers (page 515, Inventing the University, Bartholomae). The term of importance is the "building bridges" portion part of the quote which exemplifies what you as writers have to do. Analyze the audience whom you are writing for. Understanding your audience will help you decide, as a writer, how to write and what to write about.
One thing of key importance found in the text is that your writing should reflect upon those that are reading your piece of chosen text. For example you have to write an essay for the School of Education in order for you to be excepted. In this paper it should reflect not only your personal experiences but be able to include the discourse that you learned in the variety of education classes you have to take.
The second thing of key importance is the fact that some writers have the ability to successful manipulate their chosen audience. By being able to manipulate your particular audience you gain a sense of power from the academic discourse. This sense of power can be reflected in the academic discourse you use by being able to include and exclude particular readers of your essay. Wow, don't you love the power of words!!
I do love the power of words!